Restaurant Solutions

Better service

better business

Table service​

By installing Wireless Waiter on your tables you are ensuring that your customers can concentrate on enjoying their experience and company without the distraction of seeking eye contact with the waiting staff to order, add upsells or seek prompt payment. In this way, tables will rotate faster during busy periods, staff will be more productive in the periods between serving at table and turnover will increase.​


Providing a button or set of buttons to the Kitchen, means the chefs can notify the waiting staff that food has been plated and is ready to serve. Staff can comfortably provide table service without worrying that orders are waiting for collection.

how it works

for your restaurant


Your Wireless Waiter sits on the table: Your customer presses their request button: Call, Bill or Waiter.


The server responds when their wrist watch vibrates and alerts the server, displays the table number and the service required.


Kitchen staff have a wireless button for each table group (server) : the wrist band vibrates and alerts the server that the food is ready to serve.

Wireless Waiter is designed to be extremely reliable and runs on its own dedicated radio signal. No drop outs, no internet slow down, always on and always ready.